Thursday, March 4, 2010


I started my blog on September 10, 2009 and wrote the last one on September 11, 2009. Well, here I am again on March 4, 2010. Did anyone miss me? UH NO, considering there are only two followers. One is my daughter who pretty much knows what is going on in my life anyway and the other is one of the DEAREST ladies I have known in life, whom is now gone on to glory to be with Jesus.
Anyway, I have decided that I am going to start trying to blog at least once a week. I so love reading other blogs and it will be nice to look back at this journal at the end of 2010 and see what adventures life has taken me on!
Also, I have got to figure out how to decorate my page and add pictures to make it more intersting for passer-byers.
That's all for now, be back later!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Remembering the fear that swept our country after 9/11 and how so many people suddenly found religion. I wish it wouldn't have to take such a horrific attack like that for us to finally call upon God and recognize that we need him. We need him before the attacks. We need to fellowship with him ahead of time and earnestly pray for protection. Asking for forgiveness for our own sins and thanking him that we live in a free nation.
When I say "we"...I also mean "me". I should make it a priority daily to pray for our nation.
I also should still be praying for the families of the men and women that died from the attack and families of the ones that bravely lost their lives trying to help the survivors. We should never forget all of our service men and women that risk their lives every single day so that we can enjoy this freedom. From all armed forces, policemen, firemen and I find it strange that the United States Coast Guard does not get the recognition it deserves. They protect our borders and seas.
All of these men and women are our heros!


Thank you for this day Lord, you sure have been better to me than I have been to you.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dear Darla

This is my very first blog. So hold on there is no telling what will come to my mind! If you are wondering why my blog is titled, "Dear Darla", it is simple. Most everything that I write will be reminders to myself of how I am feeling at this point in time. And, I could very well be the only one that reads this stuff!

Darla is a nickname that a co-worker gave to me. She has since died of breast cancer. It is kind of endearing to me because she started it and it has stuck with me. Another friend of mine likes to say to me, "Dear Darla, I hate your stinking guts". She says she is mimicking Alfalfa from The Little Rascals. Although, I am sure those are her sentiments towards me some days!

All of this brings to mind ... my name. Which is Lisa Darlene. I have always gone by Darlene, but would have preferred Lisa. But, my dear mother says she named me Darlene because she liked it and it's meaning. It's a french name (although I'm as Mississippian as they come) that means "little darling". And she always called me her "little darling".

I would not have chosen it for myself, but I guess she thought it was a good name and the Lord knows that we sure don't have any great riches or silver and gold!

Proverbs 22:1
A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold

This is pretty much all the rambling I have for now! BBL



About Me

My photo
Mississippi, United States
I am 51 yrs old. Wife and mother of three, grandmother of two. I work for an Oil & Gas Co that I have been with for over 17 yrs. I enjoy church, volunteer work, reading, walking, decorating, traveling & being with my family and friends. I crave my quiet time with God. My life seems empty without it!
